• Fencing Sabre pads

Fencing Sabre pads


Fencing Sabre Pads made with exceptional quality Cowhide A Grade Leather with foam padding inside, The sabre is one of the three weapons of modern fencing, and is alternatively spelled saber in American English. The sabre differs from the other modern fencing weapons, the epee and foil, in that it is possible to score with the edge of the blade, for this reason, sabreur movements and attacks are very fast. For the other two weapons, valid touches are only scored using the point of the blade. Like foil, sabre uses the convention of right-of-way to determine who acquires the touch.
Fencing Sabre Pads made with exceptional quality Cowhide A Grade Leather with foam padding inside, The sabre is one of the three weapons of modern fencing, and is alternatively spelled saber in American English. The sabre differs from the other modern fencing weapons, the epee and foil, in that it is possible to score with the edge of the blade, for this reason, sabreur movements and attacks are very fast. For the other two weapons, valid touches are only scored using the point of the blade. Like foil, sabre uses the convention of right-of-way to determine who acquires the touch.

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